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Beauty with Lucy Topp:
“Hello again! If you're in a climate that's moving into the Autumnal months, and/or if you're thinking of travelling to a colder spot for a vacation or business trip, I thought I’d post my ‘Topp 10’ tips for my friends whom are getting ready to slip into their coats and gloves!
1. When our skin is all covered up in layers of clothes we forget about it don’t we! It’s not until summer when we put on a short dress, that the scaly, dry skin we have been hiding for months makes an appearance! This can be avoided! Once a week or so, lather up with a pair of scrubby gloves and a good exfoliator in the shower, then dry off a little and smother yourself in a good moisturiser. I love almond or coconut oil! HEAVEN!
2. In the winter months when you are cooler and wearing more lovely layers, I love to play with more dramatic makeup looks. Darker vampy lips and smoky eyes….Lovely defined brows and dark nail polish.
Sophisticated and sexy. (as shown in the smoky eye photo here, by Todd Anthony Tyler photography).
3. You can have SO MUCH MORE FUN with fashion in the cold winter months!!!! I love beautiful hats, scarves tied around your neck, dangly earrings, gloves, gorgeous coats, tights and boots! So many wonderful ways to express your own unique sense of style!
4. Don’t forget to keep up your exercise in Winter!!! It is wonderful for circulation and for your health of course! I like to rug up and take my pups for a brisk walk around the park, get up early and do yoga or pop on a cardio dvd for a quick blast of energy! Remember… your summer body is made in winter! True story.
5. Lightly exfoliate your face once a week and slather on a good moisturising masque. This will keep you glowing through
the icy months.
6. Lips tend to get very dry and can crack during winter. Before you go to bed, gently buff your lips with an old tooth brush and paw paw ointment. Then, cover again with more paw paw and in the morning enjoy your lovely soft lips!
7. In the cold months I love to make up a big batch of vegie soup or lentil casserole and enjoy warm, nourishing foods. Keep it in the fridge for a quick, easy, healthy nutritious lunch or dinner.
8. Remember your tootsies! When they are buried in socks/tights and boots we tend to neglect the poor things. Pull them out occasionally, give them a good soak and scrub, cover them in moisturiser and give your nails a coat of polish. Again, I love dark, vampy colours for winter such as maroon, navy, black and
dark grey.
9. Run yourself a beautiful bath, add some essential oils and light a candle. Play some lovely relaxing music and have a nice long soak! Good for the body and soul.
10. And for lovely last??? If you have any spare blankets and warm coats, donate them to the
homeless. They need them more than you do. Doing beautiful things makes you more beautiful than ANY makeup or anything else can for that matter. In my humble opinion. x
That is it for now my Darlings! Hope you enjoyed! Please let me know what else you might like to read about. Until then, I am off in my wonder woman swimsuit for a swim in the sea!
See you all soon!”
Lucy xxx
(Copyright: Goldrush Magazine / Goldrush Extra)